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Has it really been a month since we did a visa hop? I guess it has, the months are flying by! ivermectin erfahrung<\/a> While we wait This month we got some guest passes from a friend to go to the pool at the Hilton. It was glory. <\/a> <\/a> Has it really been a month since we did a visa hop? I guess it has, the months are flying by! ivermectin erfahrung While we wait patiently \u00c2\u00a0for our residence visas, we have visas that last one month. That means … Continue reading patiently<\/del> \u00c2\u00a0for our residence visas, we have visas that last one month. That means that every 30 days, we hop in the car drive across the border, exit one country and enter another thus renewing our visas. It’s kind of a complicated process and it is made more confusing by the fact that the two countries decided to place their borders 30 miles from each other. We have to go to both borders in order to exit and enter both countries. buy ivermectin tablets for dogs<\/a> The whole thing in theory is a three hour process. In theory. We, however usually take the opportunity to go into the town across the border that has things like grocery stores, and starbucks, and a zoo, and parks, and grass…so for us it usually takes a whole day. <\/p>\n
\nThe girls LOVED both the kiddy pool and the big pool (with a slide!)<\/p>\n
\nThe hotel wasn’t at all crowded (and the weather was per.fect.).<\/p>\n
\nAnd best of all, the girls were all getting along and in wonderful moods. ivermectin for humans covid treatment<\/a> What a grace it is to have days like this!<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"