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<\/a> <\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":" We had another great visit from Evie’s doting fan base! We are so blessed to have such a wonderful family. Seriously, how awesome is it that we love hanging out with our families? Drew’s sister and her fam came this … Continue reading
\nWe had another great visit from Evie’s doting fan base!
\nWe are so blessed to have such a wonderful family. Seriously, how awesome is it that we love hanging out with our families? Drew’s sister and her fam came this weekend and we had a great time. Addie is such a doll and all the girls have such a great time playing together! (sidenote- we try every time these girls are together to get a decent picture for granny. So far, we have failed, and this is as good as it gets)
\nEven though its not the best picture, I love this next one anyway! I love Sayla doing her own thing, I love Addie getting up and walking off while we are trying to take pictures, and I love Keadryn’s sweet face.
\nCan I tell you how much Keadryn loves her uncle Dave? A lot. He is such a wonderful uncle and plays with the girls the.entire.time he is here. He made Kead this shirt about a year ago and she loves “fighting the bad guys” with him. They have secret agent names, disguises and all sorts of antics for getting rid of the bad guys. Serious stuff (and so cute to watch).
\nAnd I leave you with one of Kate holding little Evie. Her cheeks getting chunkier by the day.
\nLOVE it!<\/p>\n