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Oh, and Kead has several loose teeth/ teeth growing in! Did you even know that could happen?? It is so bizarre- the grown up teeth are growing in behind the baby teeth, but the baby teeth haven’t fallen out yet. So weird! Uncle/Dentist Adam says its pretty common and not to pull the baby teeth if they aren’t ready…but I am a teensy bit sad to not have the classic toothless smile pic. :)

She is just getting so big.

Sayla is also doing great and (I assume) all is well in her own world. We sit outside her door and listen to her from time to time; talking to herself, talking to her stuffed animals, singing, talking to Sonny and Bunny (fully Sayla’s friends now)…she makes us giggle so much and I love her spirit. She also came home with a near perfect report card. We were wondering how so much time in “La La Land” was affecting her at school, but she is doing great there too!

The big girls have also re-started ballet class and are having a great time. And I just love the little ruffles and buns and ballet shoes. I think I take a picture of them every time before they go to class because I just never get over the cuteness!
blog 20131

Evie is starting to talk a ton and that is so much fun. She turned two in January and we had a really really simple party here. (We had a big party in denver).  I am just loving this stage of life with her! While Drew is at work and the bigs are at school, we get to hang out together and I cherish it. She is so spunky and funny and such a joy.

http://www.theremkes.com/?feed=rss2&p=693 3
silly girls http://www.theremkes.com/?p=548 http://www.theremkes.com/?p=548#comments Mon, 23 Jul 2012 08:16:16 +0000 http://www.theremkes.com/?p=548 Continue reading ]]> A pair of my sunglasses broke (which is why I never spend more than on sunglasses… ivermectin need prescrioption ) and the girls got quite a kick out of playing with the frames. merck ivermectin case I asked Sayla for some pictures in the glasses but she is not interested in being my model right now. Keadryn, on the other hand is a total ham and was happy to do a photo shoot. ivermectin bottom paint Eventually, Sayla wanted to join the fun…and these just make me laugh.

http://www.theremkes.com/?feed=rss2&p=548 1
a good day. http://www.theremkes.com/?p=362 http://www.theremkes.com/?p=362#comments Sun, 11 Mar 2012 17:54:22 +0000 http://www.theremkes.com/?p=362 Continue reading ]]> Has it really been a month since we did a visa hop? I guess it has, the months are flying by! ivermectin erfahrung While we wait patiently  for our residence visas, we have visas that last one month. That means that every 30 days, we hop in the car drive across the border, exit one country and enter another thus renewing our visas. It’s kind of a complicated process and it is made more confusing by the fact that the two countries decided to place their borders 30 miles from each other. We have to go to both borders in order to exit and enter both countries. buy ivermectin tablets for dogs The whole thing in theory is a three hour process. In theory. We, however usually take the opportunity to go into the town across the border that has things like grocery stores, and starbucks, and a zoo, and parks, and grass…so for us it usually takes a whole day.

This month we got some guest passes from a friend to go to the pool at the Hilton. It was glory.

The girls LOVED both the kiddy pool and the big pool (with a slide!)

The hotel wasn’t at all crowded (and the weather was per.fect.).

And best of all, the girls were all getting along and in wonderful moods. ivermectin for humans covid treatment What a grace it is to have days like this!

http://www.theremkes.com/?feed=rss2&p=362 1
’round here… http://www.theremkes.com/?p=364 http://www.theremkes.com/?p=364#comments Mon, 05 Mar 2012 11:20:55 +0000 http://www.theremkes.com/?p=364 Continue reading ]]> …We stay up very, very, very,very late… I love the Counting Crows, and that song, and its true- we DO stay up way too late.

I’m random, I know. Did you know that the “post title” could possibly be the number one reason I don’t post more? I hate finding a title.

Anyway, here is some of whats been going on ’round here:

I started the 365 project again…only this year is a leap year, so it is a 366 project. I decided to do it again after watching a slideshow of my last 365. SO many little mundane things happened that wouldn’t have been recorded otherwise and that I would have lost memory of. This year is a fun year to do it, too!

We finally had the Pajamas+Pancakes birthday party for Evie! The complete write up will be over on the kojo blog soon.

Last I posted, Kead wasn’t doing too great. She is still having the hardest time of the three girls, but it is definitely getting better! She is going to an international school now where she is thriving (and learning to speak with a British vocab and accent…so funny). She is also loving ballet and asks everyday when it is ballet day. Glad to see her little smile more these days. Man, she is beautiful.

So, our town is not little in size (about 80,000, I think?) But it is seriously lacking in amenities, so we usually drive either to a bigger city in Oman or to Dubai to do our shopping. Since it is about a 2 hour drive both ways we always try to pair it with some fun in the Big City. This time we  went to a children’s musuem:

Did we tell you that two friends from Lubbock moved here? Kevin and Andrew are going to language school and live in an apartment next door to us! They are wonderful with the girls and troopers for driving 2 hours to join us at a children’s museum. (Or it could be that our town is insanely boring…) We love them.

Part of the fun of going to the museum was playing at the playground. It was nice to just sit on grass and watch the three crazies play.

Ok- that’s all that is going on. Lots of mundane and I am happy to say we are slowly getting into (dare I say it?) a routine. “Routine” has not described our life in so long that I welcome it with open arms! I am hoping that this little blog can become part of the routine as well so that it is more than a once a month occurrence.

Missing you all! Write a comment or e-mail and let us know you’re still there!


http://www.theremkes.com/?feed=rss2&p=364 5
blooming photogs http://www.theremkes.com/?p=322 http://www.theremkes.com/?p=322#comments Fri, 30 Dec 2011 21:00:39 +0000 http://www.theremkes.com/?p=322 Continue reading ]]> When we were getting ready to move a dear friend gave us a very generous going away gift of an ipad. How awesome, right? We are so thankful and it was the perfect gift for our family-on-the-move. I love that there is an app for just about everything. I love that we can watch PBS shows so very far from home. لعب البوكر I love that when we go to the big city and have to do a big shop there is something that keeps little girls occupied while I sort through 500 types of plain yogurt.  However, my favorite feature of the ipad is the camera. I love seeing the random things that Kead and Sayla think the take pictures of!

Tonight I plugged in the ipad (after several months of just syncing and updating apps through that cloud-thingy) and it started downloading all the pictures from the last several months. I was giggling SO much looking at the world through their eyes. مواقع لربح المال Here are some of my faves:

The girls have obviously figured out the “special effects” buttons:

And here is a sequence where Sayla caught Keadryn red-handed trying to pick up Evie (Which Evie hates and I tell the girls not to do at least 5 times an hour all.day.long) :

Seriously there were at least a hundred self portraits of this little ham:

I am not exageraing when I say I have no clue how they even made these. My favorite has to be the “Doc Hudson/Sayla Tummy! لعبه bingo ” or maybe it is the “Minnie/Crying Evie”

So- if you want to be seriously amused, give your child your device for a day or two and see what kind of goodness they come up with!

http://www.theremkes.com/?feed=rss2&p=322 2
a whole lotta summer http://www.theremkes.com/?p=237 Mon, 17 Oct 2011 04:37:02 +0000 http://www.theremkes.com/?p=237 Continue reading ]]> You know what’s hard? Living out of a suitcase with three small children and trying to update a blog. You know what else is hard? Trying to sift through all the pictures from the summer and get the caught up on a blog. I have had several people mention that we have not been in Idaho for more than a month. I know. It has been one crazy summer and all of a sudden I looked up and fall is here. We have been touring Texas (Dallas, Austin, Houston, College Station, Lubbock) and got a short and quick trip in to Cincinnati, Pittsburg and DC. We have hugged and cried and said goodbye more times this summer than I ever remember doing. We have laughed a lot with dear friends. We have enjoyed getting to watch our girls adapt and become the best little travel buddies. And a lot of other life has happened too; like Kead’s first trip to the ER, Sayla’s 3rd birthday, Evie becoming mobile. تحميل لعبة طاولة مصرية 31 Our time in the USA is coming to a close and I can say- Man, We are ready to unpack our suitcases… only 10 more days until we get on our plane!

Here is what we have been up to:

Hanging out with the fam in Denver

a family reunion with *almost* all the ludwig family (yes, that is my 4 year old on a four wheeler being driven by a 6 year old #momoftheyear)

at my aunt and uncles beautiful house in northwest colorado

The older girls got to spend some time in Dallas with Granny, Pops, Dave, Kate and Addie while Drew and I took Evie to Austin and Houston (with quick stops in Shiner and College Station)

celebrating at Drew’s cousin’s wedding in Cincinnati.

Hopefully more catch up posts tomorrow! طريقة لعب القمار Stay tuned. :)

right now http://www.theremkes.com/?p=201 http://www.theremkes.com/?p=201#comments Wed, 22 Jun 2011 15:53:05 +0000 http://www.theremkes.com/?p=201 June 2011

Just a snapshot of the girlies loving Florida. (Summer in Florida is a lot more fun than summer in Lubbock btw. fortuna zakłady sportowe )

http://www.theremkes.com/?feed=rss2&p=201 3
four http://www.theremkes.com/?p=196 http://www.theremkes.com/?p=196#comments Sun, 29 May 2011 03:53:08 +0000 http://www.theremkes.com/?p=196 Continue reading ]]>
She turned four last week..and everyday I feel like snuggling a little longer, kissing her a bit more often, and holding her as much as she will let me, because it seems like she is so quickly turning into a girl. She makes me pray harder than anything in my life, she is constantly pointing me to Jesus and she makes me so proud to be her mama. She is God’s gift to us.

http://www.theremkes.com/?feed=rss2&p=196 4
dying eggs http://www.theremkes.com/?p=154 http://www.theremkes.com/?p=154#comments Tue, 26 Apr 2011 00:56:57 +0000 http://www.theremkes.com/?p=154 Continue reading ]]> I seriously love the egg dying tradition. When the stars align just right and I get to dye eggs with my family… bet365 arab its a thousand times better! This year we got an extra bonus and two of my aunts we there to help us dye eggs as well. رهان الخيل My mom always claims that we got our “crafty gene” from my dad’s sisters…so they are excellent crafting buddies. I am pretty sure we dyed 9 1/2 dozen eggs! It was a blast.

The “best egg” for sure goes to kirst’s blue striped egg. She used melted wax to make the stripes (top middle). Isn’t she a clever one?

See you next year, egg dying.

http://www.theremkes.com/?feed=rss2&p=154 1
hi. http://www.theremkes.com/?p=130 http://www.theremkes.com/?p=130#comments Wed, 13 Apr 2011 05:03:40 +0000 http://www.theremkes.com/?p=130 Continue reading ]]> I hate getting “behind” on the ol’ blog posting. ربح المال It is overwhelming. Thing have been crazy around here. . . good, but crazy. We are thankful for the crazy season and loving our little family of five! Here is a smattering of things that have happened in the last couple months.

A visit from keje and easton was so so good. استراتيجية الروليت

A quick trip to Dallas was refreshing and the girls had so.much.fun. staying with Granny and Pops for a couple days while we went to Austin.

Evie is doing great! She is getting chunkier, starting to smile and coo. . . oh yeah and sleeping 8 hours at night! Amen for that!

Other than that we are just taking life one day at a time. العاب قمار حقيقية Tea parties in the backyard, learning to write names, LOTS of posing for the camera (the girls are great subjects for the 365) and taking the few less crazy moments to breath and enjoy life as things wind up in the LBK… I can’t believe we only have a few months left!

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