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Oh, and Kead has several loose teeth/ teeth growing in! Did you even know that could happen?? It is so bizarre- the grown up teeth are growing in behind the baby teeth, but the baby teeth haven’t fallen out yet. So weird! Uncle/Dentist Adam says its pretty common and not to pull the baby teeth if they aren’t ready…but I am a teensy bit sad to not have the classic toothless smile pic. :)

She is just getting so big.

Sayla is also doing great and (I assume) all is well in her own world. We sit outside her door and listen to her from time to time; talking to herself, talking to her stuffed animals, singing, talking to Sonny and Bunny (fully Sayla’s friends now)…she makes us giggle so much and I love her spirit. She also came home with a near perfect report card. We were wondering how so much time in “La La Land” was affecting her at school, but she is doing great there too!

The big girls have also re-started ballet class and are having a great time. And I just love the little ruffles and buns and ballet shoes. I think I take a picture of them every time before they go to class because I just never get over the cuteness!
blog 20131

Evie is starting to talk a ton and that is so much fun. She turned two in January and we had a really really simple party here. (We had a big party in denver).  I am just loving this stage of life with her! While Drew is at work and the bigs are at school, we get to hang out together and I cherish it. She is so spunky and funny and such a joy.

http://www.theremkes.com/?feed=rss2&p=693 3
sometimes http://www.theremkes.com/?p=653 http://www.theremkes.com/?p=653#comments Mon, 05 Nov 2012 21:47:26 +0000 http://www.theremkes.com/?p=653 Continue reading ]]>
Sometimes I see a picture like this and I get a tight feeling in my chest. Time has rushed by and, all of a sudden, I see two beautiful girls. بيان ماتش My babies are gone; they are kids. بلبل اللعب My heart swells as I study them. انواع لعبة الطاولة Their expressions, their body language, even Kead’s “peace sign” that she picked up from school make me feel so proud and panicky at the same time. I love them so. It’s going too fast.

http://www.theremkes.com/?feed=rss2&p=653 6
celebrating sayla grace. http://www.theremkes.com/?p=638 Tue, 23 Oct 2012 08:19:20 +0000 http://www.theremkes.com/?p=638 Continue reading ]]> I don’t know if it is a middle child thing, or maybe the fact that her birthday is also the beginning of school, or just a time when we are super busy, but Sayla’s birthday hasn’t always been a huge deal. If it weren’t for Granny, there are two years that we would have done nothing at all. Not that she has complained; Sayla has such a sweet demeanor and outlook on life that I could easily get by with store bought cupcakes or a trip to get ice cream every year. But, we make a huge deal out of the other girls birthdays, so I really wanted to do something special for Sayla. (Maybe that is the middle child in me coming out. haha!)

This year we had a whole week of Sayla celebration. First we went to Dubai with the McGoughs and Traci and had a fabulous Sayla-planned-day! We started by letting the girls go to Smaland at IKEA…by request of the birthday girl, of course. After their hour was up we took them to the next surprise: Build-a-Bear! Every time we pass the store, both girls beg to go in, but we have always said no (going in somewhere like Build-a-Bear and coming out empty handed sounds like torture with three little girls). nomini kaszinó online Well, I found some coupons for buy-one-get-one bears so we decided to let the girls do it (And Chase and Britt got a bear for Lydia too)!

At first they were super concerned with the deflated bears we let them choose from, but quickly got excited about the whole filling process!

As soon as the girls caught on, it was hard keeping up with them. And, let me just say, those build-a-bear people sure do know their market! The outfits? and bear dress-up area? and panties? and accessories? and jammies? for a bear? We had a near melt down as we were taking accessories and such off of Keadryn’s bear and (after realizing the outfit she assembled was well over $50) we had to say no to several things but each girl walk away with one outfit and one pair of shoes (Except Evie, who didn’t really think much of the clothes and wanted her bear without- which was fine with us!) and they were all happy.

The next stop on our “Day-for-Sayla” was the Rainforest Cafe (also per Sayla’s request and with a coupon) and I can’t believe it, but I didn’t take a single picture. I seriously have no idea why? It was so fun and the girls had a blast (Although Keadryn did admit she thought we were going to eat in a real rainforest). It really was a great day!

Oh, and once we got home we made these crowns for Angelina and Princess Sparkle (as oppose to buying the $12 crowns at the store) and both girls we so happy with them:

But the partying didn’t stop there! A couple days later was Sayla’s actual birthday. All she wanted for her birthday was shoes (with a heel), earrings, hair clips, nail polish, etc. kaszinó online huf Seriously, she didn’t ask for a single toy! I’m in so much trouble with this one.

She is in love with her “clunky shoes” and asks to wear them everywhere. Since they are 2 sizes too big (I could only find a heel in the bigger kid shoes) I have to limit wearing them in public, but she wears them around the house all the time and on her birthday I let her wear them to the grocery store. újonnan nyitott kaszinó online Big deal.

THEN the day after her birthday we had her Puppy Party! I have to say, as far as pleasing the kids goes, this is my best party yet! They were so excited about every detail, were counting down the minutes until guests arrived and are still talking about it. It makes my heart so happy to see them love something that I put a lot of time into. The full write up is over on the Kojo Blog.

It was such a fabulous week of celebrating out sweet 4 year old. She is such a joy and grace to us. Love you Say Grace!

silly girls http://www.theremkes.com/?p=548 http://www.theremkes.com/?p=548#comments Mon, 23 Jul 2012 08:16:16 +0000 http://www.theremkes.com/?p=548 Continue reading ]]> A pair of my sunglasses broke (which is why I never spend more than on sunglasses… ivermectin need prescrioption ) and the girls got quite a kick out of playing with the frames. merck ivermectin case I asked Sayla for some pictures in the glasses but she is not interested in being my model right now. Keadryn, on the other hand is a total ham and was happy to do a photo shoot. ivermectin bottom paint Eventually, Sayla wanted to join the fun…and these just make me laugh.

http://www.theremkes.com/?feed=rss2&p=548 1
a short list http://www.theremkes.com/?p=314 http://www.theremkes.com/?p=314#comments Tue, 20 Dec 2011 07:25:18 +0000 http://www.theremkes.com/?p=314 Continue reading ]]> 1. Keadryn and Sayla started Ms. Brittany’s ballet class. They have been looking forward to it for a year and it did not disappoint. They LOVE it and I think they are the cutest ballerinas I have ever seen. Can’t wait for the recital!

2. Keadryn and Sayla also started going to a local preschool. The goal of them attending is to start hearing Arabic and learning to communicate. It’s not going great. The TV is on the whole time they are there (with English programming) and Keadryn hates it. She cries the whole time, which is totally not her regular personality, and says she can’t make friends until she learns some Arabic. I try to explain she won’t know Arabic until she makes friends, but that doesn’t seem to translate into 4 year old. We are optimistic that she will get settled soon. Just be praying that she can make at least one friend. Sayla is liking it and doesn’t seem to notice that no one speaks English. (Also,  I love this picture of them on their first day- mainly because several locals have mentioned to me how I need to dress them in warmer clothes for the “cold winter”. It was 85 degrees on this day, but I didn’t want their teachers to think I’m a horrible mom. haha)

3. Speaking of life here, we all LOVE the food. Eating out here is amazingly inexpensive (much cheaper than cooking) and so we have got to try several restraunts. Kead’s fav is the hummus and Sayla loves the chicken. Anyone have amazing eggplant recipes I need to try? They are in such abundance and I love the way they taste- but don’t know how to cook them!

4. We are feeling more settled in everyday. I promise there will be a “house tour” soon. As soon as Drew hangs up all the frames, decor, etc. Walls here are concrete so hanging a picture becomes a much bigger task than tapping in a couple nails. For now, here is a picture of our living room with our humble Christmas tree.

5. There’s more, but I’ve been working on this post for a week so I am going to post it before I am adding Keadryn’s Sweet Sixteen party to the end. Merry week-of-Christmas everyone! I hope that you are enjoying family, and cooler weather and all things winter in our stead!

http://www.theremkes.com/?feed=rss2&p=314 4
remke girls http://www.theremkes.com/?p=128 http://www.theremkes.com/?p=128#comments Sun, 20 Mar 2011 03:35:57 +0000 http://www.theremkes.com/?p=128 Continue reading ]]> I was looking through pictures the other night and was blown away at how much our kids all look alike at this stage! Holy moly they look similar. I think Evie looks a tad more like Keadryn, but she also looks a lot like Sayla with those cheeks!

http://www.theremkes.com/?feed=rss2&p=128 4
a losing battle… http://www.theremkes.com/?p=122 http://www.theremkes.com/?p=122#comments Fri, 11 Mar 2011 04:51:05 +0000 http://www.theremkes.com/?p=122 in the epic battle of sayla vs. hair….

…the hair is totally winning.

http://www.theremkes.com/?feed=rss2&p=122 4
sisters http://www.theremkes.com/?p=93 http://www.theremkes.com/?p=93#comments Thu, 10 Feb 2011 05:50:11 +0000 http://www.theremkes.com/?p=93 Continue reading ]]> Kirstin was down to visit for a couple days and we had such a wonderful time! We hung out, we held babies, she got to bond with the older two girls while I got a ton of rest, she cleaned and was such a blessing to us! The couple days of having her here made me so thankful for sisters and for the blessing these girls will get to be to each other. (speaking of blessings, keje is coming in a couple of weeks too! whoohoo!)

I LOVE this one because of how their personalities are shining through. such sass:

and here is a fun little comparison of my oldest and youngest (I think they look similar at this age)

I’ll leave you with one of my favs from Evie’s newborn shoot, check out the photo blog for more!

http://www.theremkes.com/?feed=rss2&p=93 1
priceless http://www.theremkes.com/?p=44 http://www.theremkes.com/?p=44#comments Fri, 04 Feb 2011 17:38:01 +0000 http://www.theremkes.com/?p=44 Continue reading ]]> Sayla jumps onto the bed, gets right up in Evie’s face and starts to try to pick her up. معلومات عن سباق الخيل في السعودية

Kead (rushing to place her body between Sayla and Evie): Sayla be careful! They are very expensive!


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