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This year we had a whole week of Sayla celebration. First we went to Dubai with the McGoughs and Traci and had a fabulous Sayla-planned-day! We started by letting the girls go to Smaland at IKEA…by request of the birthday girl, of course. After their hour was up we took them to the next surprise: Build-a-Bear! Every time we pass the store, both girls beg to go in, but we have always said no (going in somewhere like Build-a-Bear and coming out empty handed sounds like torture with three little girls). nomini kaszinó online Well, I found some coupons for buy-one-get-one bears so we decided to let the girls do it (And Chase and Britt got a bear for Lydia too)!

At first they were super concerned with the deflated bears we let them choose from, but quickly got excited about the whole filling process!

As soon as the girls caught on, it was hard keeping up with them. And, let me just say, those build-a-bear people sure do know their market! The outfits? and bear dress-up area? and panties? and accessories? and jammies? for a bear? We had a near melt down as we were taking accessories and such off of Keadryn’s bear and (after realizing the outfit she assembled was well over $50) we had to say no to several things but each girl walk away with one outfit and one pair of shoes (Except Evie, who didn’t really think much of the clothes and wanted her bear without- which was fine with us!) and they were all happy.

The next stop on our “Day-for-Sayla” was the Rainforest Cafe (also per Sayla’s request and with a coupon) and I can’t believe it, but I didn’t take a single picture. I seriously have no idea why? It was so fun and the girls had a blast (Although Keadryn did admit she thought we were going to eat in a real rainforest). It really was a great day!

Oh, and once we got home we made these crowns for Angelina and Princess Sparkle (as oppose to buying the $12 crowns at the store) and both girls we so happy with them:

But the partying didn’t stop there! A couple days later was Sayla’s actual birthday. All she wanted for her birthday was shoes (with a heel), earrings, hair clips, nail polish, etc. kaszinó online huf Seriously, she didn’t ask for a single toy! I’m in so much trouble with this one.

She is in love with her “clunky shoes” and asks to wear them everywhere. Since they are 2 sizes too big (I could only find a heel in the bigger kid shoes) I have to limit wearing them in public, but she wears them around the house all the time and on her birthday I let her wear them to the grocery store. újonnan nyitott kaszinó online Big deal.

THEN the day after her birthday we had her Puppy Party! I have to say, as far as pleasing the kids goes, this is my best party yet! They were so excited about every detail, were counting down the minutes until guests arrived and are still talking about it. It makes my heart so happy to see them love something that I put a lot of time into. The full write up is over on the Kojo Blog.

It was such a fabulous week of celebrating out sweet 4 year old. She is such a joy and grace to us. Love you Say Grace!

april and may http://www.theremkes.com/?p=475 http://www.theremkes.com/?p=475#comments Mon, 28 May 2012 22:01:15 +0000 http://www.theremkes.com/?p=475 Continue reading ]]> I just looked at my calendar and realized it is the end of May. The end of May! How did that happen? Here is the past month…er, two months, in review.

The girls had their ballet recital. It was adorable.

I got to take pics at kead’s school for the yearbook. It was so.much.fun. I spent a morning getting to flutter around the school popping in and out of classrooms, taking pictures of teachers and kids in their element. Kead thought it was pretty fun too!

The girls are settling in to visiting local with us. I’m still not sure if Sayla realizes that everyone else is speaking a different language. She just cracks me up. Keadryn is way more reserved, but after sitting with me while Sayla searches out the house for kids and toys, she slowly creeps away and joins the other kids. Evie, oh Evie. We affectionately call her “The Master of Disaster” and she just tears around the house like a tornado. :) The locals love her though and she has gotten a lot better at letting them hold her.

Speaking of the Sayla in her own world, I just love this picture of her.

And speaking of photos, I currently have 400 photos on my computer of a wedding I got to photograph. I was attending the wedding with Britt and she knew the brides cousin’s wife. As the Bride was coming down the stairs they realized the photographer wasn’t there, so they asked me to take the pictures! But then they asked me not to share them with anyone. I DIE! These ones of the flowers without faces are ok, but seriously- so hard not to share.

And speaking of birthdays…wait, I wasn’t speaking of that…but anyway- Drew had a quiet 32nd birthday with a family brunch and dinner with friends

and Kead turned 5 this year. FIVE!

We are having her party while the cousins are here, but her real birthday was an exciting day because of the 4 foot doll house. It has been quite the hit.

Well, thats all the big stuff….oh, And this:

Kead actually requested to watch Newsies. And it made my heart so happy.

Next up: A VISIT FROM KIRST AND FAMILY! So excited for this one.

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